Serve in our Church.
Use your unique gifts to help build the Kingdom.
It takes a lot of volunteers to help with various ministry activities each week, especially on Sunday mornings! There are lots of areas you can serve each week. Click HERE to view a list of available areas and descriptions and sign up today.

Volunteer Position Descriptions
Click the drop-down arrow to expand the description.
Communications Team
If you like doing social media, taking photos or videos we need you on our Communications Team
Higher Grounds Coffee
We need people to make and serve coffee before and after our services on Sunday!
Greeters welcome people to worship, especially newcomers. They offer smiles, hand out programs, and share information during prayer meetings. This is a great job for a family!
Hospitality (Kitchen Teams)
the church hosts monthly events and a kitchen team is needed to help organize the flow and clean up during a after these events.
Small Group Leader
If you are willing to lead a Small group- this one is for you! One of our Small Group Ministry leads will be in touch.
Sunday School/Childcare Team
We offer Sunday school before and during the church service. If you love the Word, and spending time with children - this may be the volunteer position for you.
Sunday School Leader
Sunday school leaders are needed to lead lessons and activities. These volunteers must dedicate quite a bit of time, as they will need to be present for classes and spend a couple of hours each week preparing for each week's lessons. It is the church's responsibility to raise up the disciples of the next generation.
Tech Team
Each and every Sunday our Sound and tech team are integral to the success of the entire service. We need those who are gifted with tech-savviness to run your soundboard, lights, PowerPoint slides, and cameras.5. HospitalityEach service brings a plethora of volunteer positions to serve that are ideal for those who regularly attend worship.
Ushers are a vital part of worship, finding seats for new church members, passing offering plates during Sunday morning services, assisting with communion, and more. Simply put, they make your church service take place smoothly
Worship Team
What is a church service without music? If you play an instrument or sing, there are opportunities for you to join a weekly worship team to lead on certain Sundays.